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GaugeWatcher is an iOS app providing river flow rates and weather data for gauge stations in the United States and Canada.

Project Goals

  • Fetch data directly from the source on-demand.
  • Maintain a lightweight project without server-side dependencies.
  • Ensure offline capability for those crucial moments without cell service.
  • Provide weather data for gauge station locales to predict flow rates.
  • Include mapping features to visualize gauge station locations and explore new rivers.


  • [x] Dark mode
  • [x] Offline capability
  • [x] Gauge readings for predefined periods:
    • [x] Last 24 hours
    • [x] Last seven days
    • [x] Last thirty days
  • [ ] Weather data:
    • [x] Temperature
    • [ ] Precipitation
    • [ ] Offline availability
  • [ ] Gauge Sources:
    • [x] USGS
    • [ ] Environment Canada:
      • [x] British Columbia
      • [x] Ontario
      • [ ] Other regions
  • FlowKit - A Swift package that aggregates river flow data from various sources into one easy-to-use API.